- Dos museus para o laboratório. O Bilhete de Identidade da arte faz-se na Bobadela, 2018.
- Reportagem sobre a Integração do Instituto Tecnológico Nuclear (ITN) no IST (Aplicação do Feixe Externo), Jornal da Uma, YouTube 09-07-2012.
- O Tesouro da Vidigueira: os segredos revelados por um feixe de protões, Escola Gil Vicente, 15-03-2013
- Máquina do Tempo - História de Detetives - O Tesouro da Vidigueira - Programas TVI24, 06-04-2013.
- Early Iron Age copper-based funerary items from southern Portugal, P. Valerio, M.F. Araujo, A.M.M. Soares, L.C. Alves, R.M. Soares, L. Melo, L. Baptista, Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences, 13 (2021)
- A transparent dialogue between iconography and chemical characterisation: a set of foreign stained glasses in Portugal, A. Rodrigues, M. Coutinho, A. Machado, B.A. Martinho, L.C. Alves, M.F. Macedo, M. Vilarigues, Heritage Science, 9 (2021)
- Christian-Muslim contacts across the Mediterranean: Byzantine glass mosaics in the Great Umayyad Mosque of Córdoba (Spain) M.A. Gomez-Moron, T. Palomar, L.C. Alves, P. Ortiz, M. Vilarigues, N. Schibille, Journal Of Archaeological Science, 129 (2021)
- Preliminary Study of Glass Production Remains Found in Granada, Spain, Dated to the 16th and 17th Centuries, I. Coutinho, I.C. Campana, L.C. Alves, T. Medici, Minerals, 11 (2021)
- An insider view of the Portuguese ion beam laboratory E. Alves, K. Lorenz, N. Catarino, M. Peres, M. Dias, R. Mateus, L.C. Alves, V. Corregidor, N.P. Barradas, M. Fonseca, J. Cruz, A. Jesus, European Physical Journal Plus, 136 (2021)
- Surface analysis of corroded XV–XVI century copper coins by µ-XRF and µ-PIXE/µ-EBS self-consistent analysis, J. Cruz, M. Manso, V. Corregidor, R.J.C. Silva, E. Figueiredo, M.L. Carvalho, L.C. Alves, Materials Characterization, 161 (2020)
- Arduino-controlled Reflectance Transformation Imaging to the study of cultural heritage objects, V. Corregidor, R. Dias, N. Catarino, C. Cruz, L.C. Alves, J. Cruz, SN Applied Sciences, 2 (2020)
- Study of Iron Gall Inks, Ingredients and Paper Composition Using Non-Destructive Techniques, V. Corregidor, R. Viegas, L.M. Ferreira, L.C. Alves, Heritage, 2 (2019) 2691-2703
- Nanotechnology in Roman Opaque Red Glass from the 2nd Century AD. Archaeometric Investigation in Red Sectilia from the Decoration of the Lucius Verus Villa in Rome, M. Bandiera, P. Lehuede, M. Verita, L. Alves, I. Biron, M. Vilarigues, Heritage, 2 (2019) 2597-2611
- European Silver Sources from the 15th to the 17th Century: The Influx of “New World” Silver in Portuguese Currency, R. Borges, R.J.C. Silva, M.F. Araújo, A. Candeias, V. Corregidor, J. Vieira, Heritage, 1 (2018) 453-467
- Simultaneous use and self-consistent analyses of µ-PIXE and µ-EBS for the characterization of corrosion layers grown on ancient coins, J. Cruz, V. Corregidor, L.C. Alves, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 406 (2017) 324-328
- Investigation of surface silver enrichment in ancient high silver alloys by PIXE, EDXRF, LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS, R. Borges, L. Alves, R.J.C. Silva, M.F. Araújo, A. Candeias, V. Corregidor, P. Valério, P. Barrulas, Microchemical Journal, 131 (2017) 103-111
- Corrosion of silver alloys in sulphide environments: A multianalytical approach for surface characterisation I. Tissot, O.C. Monteiro, M.A. Barreiros, V. Corregidor, J. Correia, M.F. Guerra, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 51856-51863
- Non-Destructive Micro-Chemical and Micro-Luminescence Characterization of Jadeite, A. Mitrani Viggiano, J.L. Ruvalcaba Sil, M.D. Manrique Ortega, V. Corregidor, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (2016) 1304-1315,
- First results on radiometric dating of metals by alpha spectrometry, J. Cruz, E. Figueiredo, V. Corregidor, P.I. Girginova, L.C. Alves, C. Cruz, R.J.C. Silva, I. Liritzis, Microchemical Journal, 124 (2016) 608-614
- Paintings on copper by the Flemish artist Frans Francken II: PIXE characterization by external microbeam, V. Corregidor, A.R. Oliveira, P.A. Rodrigues, L.C. Alves, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 348 (2015) 291-295
- Microbiological and compositional features of green stains in the glaze of the Portuguese “Great View of Lisbon” tile panel, S. Cabo Verde, T. Silva, V. Corregidor, L. Esteves, M.I. Dias, V. Souza-Egipsy, C. Ascaso, J. Wierzchos, L. Santos, M.I. Prudêncio, Journal of Materials Science, 50 (2015) 6656-6667
Execution Reports
Mission Reports