
Abstract Submission

Reports of new work in any of the topics covered by this Workshop are invited for either oral or poster presentation. Authors are requested to indicate their preference. Submissions not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for acceptance as posters.

Abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be informed of provisional acceptance or rejection of the contribution, as oral or poster presentation by February 25th, 2023. After this date, the abstracts can be only considered for poster presentations.

Acceptance of the contribution will be confirmed as soon as the registration fee is paid, at least for one of the authors.

The instructions for abstract submission are identical for oral and poster presentations. Please use the Microsoft Word downloadable template, rename it as “abstract_name.doc” (name = presenting author name, eg. abstract_einstein.doc) and follow the instructions given below.

Please send your abstract to the email before February 20th, 2023. Don't forget to mention your choice of topic and your preferred type of presentation (oral/poster).