Computer Support
Computer Support, under the responsibility of Administrative Services, has the following responsibilities:
- To detect, diagnose and resolve network performance issues.
- To identify and resolve scientific application performance issues before they impact end users
(applications and services monitoring), including international connections.
- To support the accomplishment of projects and training courses that demand the usage of multimedia available means.
- To improve availability and performance of server infrastructure and gain in-depth visibility.
- To improve IT service delivery with an integrated helpdesk.
- To maintain and perform telecommunication services on-campus facilities is order to provide reliable, efficient
and cost-effective data and voice communications.
The functioning of the internal Network of CTN is ruled by a set of
principles. Among the innumerable services that are provided, you may find the
following ones:
- E-mail Service (web-mail)
- Internet Service
- Helpdesk Support Service
In order to make part of this network (get an e-mail address) or even to subscribe any other
service, you should follow the
Technical Support
Office Hours
- Office hours (9h00 - 17h00).
Helpdesk e-mail:
technical support