Areas of Competence
The areas of competence of CTN are associated to the human
resources and equipment that support the R&D activities. At
the same time and in parallel, undertakes activities to
respond in a technically and scientific sound way to legal
obligations or other situations, posed by the civil society.
Main areas of work are listed below.
and accelerators
- Production and modification of
advanced materials by ion implantation
- Materials characterization with ion
and neutron beams and x-ray diffraction
- Radiation technologies: processes and
- Nuclear instrumentation and methods,
modelling and simulation
- Cultural heritage
- Biomedical studies
and radiopharmaceutical sciences
- Cultural heritage and sciences
- Environmental and analytical Chemistry
- Inorganic and organometallic chemistry
- Organic, inorganic, organometallic and radiopharmaceutical chemistry
- Solid state chemistry
and nuclear safety
- Operation and Exploitation of the Reactor, Dosimetry and Reactor Calculations
- Applied dynamic
- Radiation effects in electronics systems
- Neutron activation analysis (NAN) and neutron scattering
- Use of nuclear reactors for materials science studies
- Development of novel detectors
Radiological protection and safety
- Deactivated uranium mines and public health
- Ionising radiation national standards
- Evaluation of biological doses and effects and environmental radiological vigilance
- Radioactive waste and radioactive matter transport
- Radiation dosimetry
These activities are carried out by the research groups.