Imagens alusiva ŕ Unidade


The Accelerators Unit of the Laboratory of Accelerators and Radiation Technologies (LATR) comprises unique equipment and infrastructures in Portugal.

The research activities covering different topics in Advanced Materials, Environment, Health and Biomedical Sciences followed the approved time schedule and were supported exclusively by external funded projects. Along with scientific achievements, the post graduated formation was maintained with the engagement of graduated students in the research activities, leading to MSc and PhD theses. The strategic collaborations with Institutions and Universities worldwide were strengthened and were fundamental to maintain the high scientific production of the Unit.

1. Research Activity Groups

2. Equipment and Infrastructures

3. Technical Services

How to apply for beam time

  • You can send a fax and/or e-mail to the person responsible for whose address is indicated.
  • Time scheduling for the use of the ion beam line occurs once a month.
  • For other more specialised services, you should consult the various activity groups identified above.