Curriculum Vitae
Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares (C2TN)
Name: Pedro Manuel
Surname: Peixoto Teles
Born: 21-07-1978, Porto
Nationality: Portuguese
Phone: 21-994 6295
Fax: 21-994 1995
E-mail: ppteles (add
- 2003-2007 – PhD in Physics, Universidade do Porto, CEA de Saclay (França), Oporto, Portugal.
- 2001-2002 – Curricular lectures of the MSc in Condensd Matter Physics, Porto, Coimbra and Aveiro Universities.
- 1996-2001 – Graduation in Physics, Universidade do Porto, Oporto.
Professional Employment Career
- Researcher (contract), Group of Dosimetry and Radiobiology, Unit of Radiological Protection and Safety (URPS), Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear (ITN), Sacaém, Portugal.
- 2007-2009 – Post-doc Grantee, FP6 Project – Eurotrans/DM2-ECATS from EURATOM/European Commission.
- 2003-2006 – PhD Grantee from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal.
- 2001-2002 – Research Grantee from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal.
Fellowships and Training
- 07-10/07/2009 – PENELOPE Course (Barcelona, Spain).
- 12-16/05/2008 – MCNPX Intermediate Course, ITN, Sacavém, May 2008.
- 02-05/04/2008 – IP-Eurotrans Internal Training Course, ITC6 "ADS Core design and reactor safety analysis", Madrid, Spain, 2-5 April 2008.
- 20/02/2005-25/03/2005 – HERCULES (High European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems), Grenoble (France) and Trieste (Italy).
- 01-03/09/2001 – Physics of Condensed Matter Summer School "Physics by the Lake", Ambleside, Cumbria, UK.
Main Scientific Areas of Research
- Computational Dosimetry.
- Nuclear Protection and Nuclear Safety.
- Physics of Radiations.
Teaching/Supervision Activities
- Since 2014 – Invited Lecturer at Instituto Superior Técnico (33%), Physics Department (disciplines: Mecânica e Ondas e Electromagetismo).
- 2012-2013 – Invited Auxiliar Lecturer, Escola Superior de Tecnologias da Saúde de Lisboa, Portugal (Master RATES – Radiação Aplicado às Tecnologias da Saúde).
- 2010-2011 – Assistant researcher under the discipline "Dosimetria Computacional e Aplicações" under the Master on "Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde", Escola Superior de Tecnologias da Saúde de Lisboa, Portugal.
- Since 2010 – Supervised the work of the student Salvatore di Maria, Post-doc Grantee, under the "FP7-EURATOM Central Design Team" Project, at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Sacavém, Portugal.
- 2009-2010 – Assistant researcher under the discipline "Introdução ao Monte-Carlo", Diploma de "Formação Avançada em Segurança e Protecção Radiológica", Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal.
- Since 2009 – Supervised the work of the student Joana Bento, Researcher Grantee (BI), under the "Internal Dosimetry" project, at Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Sacavém, Portugal.
- 2008-2009 – Assistant researcher under the discipline "Introdução ao Monte-Carlo", Dipoma de "Formação Avançada em Segurança e Protecção Radiológica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal.
Training Provided
- 2010-2011 – Several modules provided under the course "Protecção e Segurança Radiológica", upon request from the enterprises: Tabaqueira Nacional, Ramalho Rosa Cobetar SA, Lena Construções, Brisa.
Scientific Works
- Author and co-author of more than 30 scientific articles with "referee" (ISI);
- Co-organizer of 6 conferences/workshops;
- Participation in 10 conferences as a speaker, of which 1 as a guest speaker and 1 as responsible for a class on Monte-Carlo techniques applied to health;
- Supervisor of 2 Master's theses (one to be completed);
- Participation in 6 juries Master's theses, as arguer and vowel;
- Responsible for the supervision and guidance of 3 research fellows (2009-2014);
- Responsible for the supervision and guidance of 1 post-doctoral fellows (2010-2014);
- Participation in 8 European projects, of which 2 as coordinating investigator of the Portuguese team;
- Participation in 2 projects funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal);
- He attended and was approved in specialized courses in Monte Carlo simulations applied to Radiation Physics and Dosimetry.
Jury Membership
PhD Theses
- 04-04-2016: Member of the jury (examiner) of Susana Maria Alegre de Oliveira, PhD research on "Otimização de esquemas terapêuticos do carcinoma da próstata envolvendo a Braquiterapia de baixa dose e Radioterapia externa - abordagem física e radiobiológica", Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
MSc Theses
- 27-01-2015: Member of the jury (arguing) of José Daniel Santo Casimiro, Master thesis on "Exposição ocupacional a campos electromagnéticos em ressonância magnética", Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
- 18-11-2013: Member of the jury (arguing) of José Guilherme de Mendonça Coutinho, Master thesis on "Débito de dose e qualidade da imagem em fluoroscopia", Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- 12-12-2012: Member of the jury (arguing) of Ana Catarina Camejo Barreto, Master thesis on "Proteção Radiológica nos Procedimentos de Pesquisa Radioguiada do Gânglio Sentinela", Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
- 10-12-2012: Member of the jury (arguing) of João Paulo Lampreia Fantana, Master thesis on "Medição dos Níveis de referência em Mamografia", Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- 20-11-2012: Member of the jury (arguing) of Mafalda Sofia Pinto Duarte, Master thesis on "Proteção Radiológica em Mamografia", Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
- 31-05-2012: Member of the jury (arguing) of Sónia Batista, Master thesis on "Título da tese: Medições de dose no cristalino e tiróide em Tomografia computorizada", Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Participation in Projects/Membership of Professional Societies
European Projects
- Since 2017 - Projecto RTNORM (national responsible researcher)
- 2014-2017 – Project OPERRA (national co-responsible researcher)
- Since 2013 – Project Marisa: MyrrhA Research Infrastructure Support Action (FP7-EURATOM-FISSION/2013- 605318) (participant researcher).
- Since 2012 – Project BioQuaRT: Biologically Weighted Quantities in Radiotherapy (EMRP/JRP SIB06) (national responsible).
- Since 2012 – Project PREPARE: Innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and post-accident response in Europe (FP7-EURATOM-FISSION/2012-3.3.1.) (participant researcher).
- 2012 - Project Dose Datamed II: European Population Dose From Radiodiagnostic and Nuclear Medicine Procedures (ENER/2010/NUCL/SI2.581237) (national contact).
- 2011–2016 - FreYA: Fast Reactor Experiments for hYbrid Applications (EURATOM/FP7-Fission-2010/26966) (participant researcher)
- 2009–2012 - CDT: Central Design Team for a Flexible Fast-Spectrum Transmutation Experimental Facility (FASTEF) (EURATOM/FP7-Fission-2008/232527) (participant researcher).
- 2005–2010 EUROTRANS: European Resarch Programme for the Transmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator Driven System (FI6W-CT-2004-516520) (PhD grantee).
National Projects
- Since 2012 – TOMOSSINTESE: Melhoria da qualidade de imagem e redução de dose em tomossíntese para mamografia, com recurso a algoritmos estatísticos para reconstrução de imagem, PTDC/BBB-IMG/3310/2012 (participant researcher).
- 2010–2013 - VADOSE: Variação Espacial da Taxa de Dose em Solos e Sedimentos, PTDC/AAC-AMB/121375/2010 (participant researcher).
- 2010: Member of EURADOS Association (European
Radiation Dosimetry Group), Braunschweig, Alemanha.
- Work Group 7: Internal Dosimetry (collaboration under intercomparison projects: Monte-Carlo Applications and Voxel Phantoms ).
- Work Group 12: European Medical ALARA Network (collaboration with European institutions: FZK, Karlsrühe/Germany).
- P. Teles, J. Costa, D. Costa, N. Matela, P. Vaz, Activity estimation and biokinetic analysis of 99m Tc-DMSA in renal infant patients using a gamma camera, Physica Medica 52, 9-17 (2018).
- J. Domienik-Andrzejewska, O. Ciraj-Bjelac, P. Askounis, P. Covens, O. Dragusin, S. Jacob, J. Farah, E. Gianicolo, R. Padovani, P. Teles, A. Widmark, L. Struelens, Past and present work practices of European interventional cardiologists in the context of radiation protection of the eye lens-results of the EURALOC study, Journal of Radiological Protection 38(3):934-950 (2018).
- P. Teles, M. Mendes, M. Zankl, V. de Sousa, A.I. Santos, P. Vaz; Assessment of the absorbed dose in the kidney of nuclear nephrology paediatric patients using ICRP biokinetic data and Monte Carlo simulations with mass-scaled paediatric Voxel phantoms Radiation Protection Dosimetry, doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncw096 (2016).
- P. Teles, D. Nikodemová, E. Bakhanova, F. Becker, Ž. Knežević, M.F. Pereira, S. Sarmento; A Review of Radiation Protection Requirements and Dose Estimation for Staff and Patients in CT Fluoroscopy, doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncw231 (2016).
- P. Ferrari, F. Becker, E. Carinou, V. Chumak, J. Farah, Z. Jovanovic, D. Krstic, A. Morgun, S. Principi, P. Teles, J of Radiat Protection, vol 36, pp 902-921 (2016).
- F. Costa, P. Teles, A. Nogueira, A. Barreto, A.I. Santos, A. Carvalho, B. Martins, C. Oliveira, C. Gaspar, C. Barros, D. Neves, D. Costa, E. Rodrigues, F. Godinho, F. Alves, G. Cardoso, G. Cantinho, I. Conde, J. Vale, J. Santos, J. Isidoro, J. Pereira, L. Salgado, M. Rézio, M. Vieira, P. Simãozinho, P. Almeida, R. Castro, R. Parafita, S. Pintão, T. Lúcio, T. Reis, P. Vaz Estimation of the collective ionizing dose in the Portuguese population for the years 2011 and 2012, due to nuclear medicine exams Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular (English Edition) (2015) 34 (1), pp 1-8.
- S. M. Oliveira, N.J. Teixeira, L. Fernandes, P. Teles, G. Vieira, P. Vaz, Tissue composition and density impact on the clinical parameters for 125 I prostate implants dosimetry, Physica Medica 30:7 pp 799-808 (2014).
- C. Figueira, F. Becker, C. Blunck, S. DiMaria, M. Baptista, B. Esteves, G. Paulo, J. Santos, P. Teles, P. Vaz, Medical staff extremity dosimetry in CT fluoroscopy: an anthropomorphic hand voxel phantom study, Physics in Medicine and Biology 58:16 pp 5433 (2013).
- M. Mendes, F. Costa, C. Figueira, P. Madeira, P. Teles, P. Vaz, Assessment of patient dose reduction by bismuth shielding in CT using measurements, GEANT4 and MCNPX simulations, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 165;1-4 pp 175-180 (2015).
- M. Baptista, P. Teles, G. Cardoso, P. Vaz, Assessment of the dose distribution inside a cardiac cath lab using TLD measurements and Monte Carlo simulations, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 104, pp 163-169 (2014).
- M. Baptista, C. Figueira, P. Teles, G. Cardoso, M. Zankl, P. Vaz, Assessment of the occupational exposure in real time during interventional cardiology procedures, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 165; 1-4 pp 304-309 (2015).
- P Teles, S Barros, S Cardoso, A Facure, LAR da Rosa, M Santos, P Pereira, P Vaz, M Zankl, A dosimetric study of prostate brachytherapy using Monte Carlo simulations with a voxel phantom, measurements and a comparison with a treatment planning procedure Radiation Protection Dosimetry 165, 1-4 pp 482-487 (2015)
- P Teles, M Mendes, M Zankl, V de Sousa, A I Santos, P Vaz, Assessment of the absorbed dose in the kidney of nuclear nephrology paediatric patients using ICRP biokinetic data and Monte Carlo simulations with mass-scaled paediatric Voxel phantoms, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2016). doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncw096 (accepted for publication on the 18th March 2016).
- J. Bento, S. Barros, P. Teles, M. Neves, I. Gonçalves, P. Vaz, Monte Carlo simulation of the movement and detection efficiency of a Whole Body Counting System using a BOMAB Phantom, Radiation Protection & Dosimetry (2011) (under review).
- J. Bento, P. Teles, M. Neves, A. Santos, G. Cardoso, A. Barreto, F. Alves, C. Guerreiro, A. Rodrigues, J.A. M. Santos, C. Capelo, R. Parafita, B. Martins, Study of Nuclear Medicine practices in Portugal From an internal dosimetry perspective, Radiation Protection & Dosimetry (2011) (submitted).
- S. Di Maria, S. Barros, J. Bento, P. Teles, P. Vaz, M. Pereira, C. Figueira, G. Paulo, TLD measurements and Monte Carlo simulations for glandular dose and scatter fraction assessment in mammography: a comparative study, Radiation Measurements (2011) (submitted).
- L. Mercatali, A. Serikov, P. Baeten, W. Uyttenhove, A. Lafuente, P. Teles, Design study of a fast spectrum zero-power reactor dedicated to source driven sub-critical experiments, Energy Conversion&Management 51, 1818-1825 (2010).
- P. Nogueira, L. Silva, P. Teles, J. Bento, P. Vaz, Monte Carlo simulation of the full energy peak efficiency of a WBC, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68, 184-189 (2010).
- J. Bento, P. Teles, L. Silva, P. Nogueira, M. Neves, P. Vaz, Performance parameters of a Whole Body Counter, Radiation Measurements 45, 190-195 (2010).
- P. Nogueira, L. Silva, P. Teles, E. Fernandes, A.D. Oliveira, P. Vaz, Monte Carlo Simulation of a Whole Body Counter (WBC), International Journal of Low Radiation 6, 4 (2009).
- A. Lafuente, A. Abanades, F. Sordo, J-M. Martinez-Val, M. Piera, P. Teles, P. Vaz, A. Boudoin, P. Baeten, Reactivity accidents in the GUINEVERE facility, Proceedings IEMPT 10, Mito, Japan 2008.
- P. Teles, A. Lafuente, A. Boudoin, P. Baeten, J-M. Martinez-Val, Y. Romanets, P. Vaz, Monte-Carlo simulations of thermally induced reactivity variations in the GUINEVERE facility, Proceedings IEMPT 10, Mito, Japan 2008.
- P. Teles, M. Quilichini, B. Hennion, A. Bosak, An experimental study of the lattice dynamics of fully deuterated lithium acetate dihydrate, Ferroelectrics, 369, 43 - 52 (2008).
- A. Almeida, P. Teles, M.R. Chaves, P.M. Vilarinho, J.L. Baptista, Raman Spectroscopy and Pyroelectric Studies of SrTiO3 Ceramics Doped with Different Concentrations of Bismuth, Ferroelectrics 294, 49-59 (2003).
- Yu Yuziuk, A. Almeida, M.R. Chaves, F. Pinto, P. Teles, L.M. Rabkin, A. Klöpperpieper, Hydrogen Bonds in Brominated Betaine Calcium Chloride Dihydrate, Ferroelectrics 272, 137-142 (2002).
- A. Almeida, M.R. Chaves, P. Teles, F. Pinto, A. Klöpperpieper, J. Amaral, Raman Spectroscopy and dielectric measurements of Betaine Rubidium Iodide Dihydrate, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 4553-4565 (2002).
Oral/Poster Presentations
- 30/05-02/06/2014: International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine, Varna, Bulgária. A Dosimetric Study Of Prostate Brachytherapy Using Monte Carlo Simulations With A Voxel Phantom, Measurements And A Comparison With A Treatment Planning Procedure P. Teles, M. C. de Sousa, G. Paulo, J. Santos, A. Pascoal, G. Cardoso, I. Lança, N. Matela, L. Janeiro, P. Sousa, P. Carvoeiras, R. Parafita, A. I. Santos, P. Simãozinho, P. Vaz. Oral Communication.
- 23-28/06/2013: International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Praga, República Checa “Assessment of the dose distribution inside a cardiac cath lab, using TLD measurements and Monte-Carlo simulations” M Baptista, P Teles, G. Cardoso, P. Vaz. Oral communication.
- 14-19/04/2013: IRPA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil “Estimativa da dose colectiva na população portuguesa devida a exames médicos de radiologia de diagnóstico e de medicina nuclear” P. Teles, M. C. de Sousa, G. Paulo, J. Santos, A. Pascoal, G. Cardoso, I. Lança, N. Matela, L. Janeiro, P. Sousa, P. Carvoeiras, R. Parafita, A. I. Santos, P. Simãozinho, P. Vaz. Oral Communication.
- 14-19/04/2013: IRPA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil “Estudo dosimétrico de braquiterapia da próstata utilizando técnicas de simulação de Monte Carlo, medidas experimentais, e comparação com um procedimento de plano de tratamento” P. Teles, S. Barros, S. Cardoso, A. Facure, L. da Rosa, M. Santos, P. P. Pereira Jr., P. Vaz, I. Gonçalves, M. Zankl. Oral Communication.
- 09-10/11/2012: II Congresso Internacional de Radiologia, Coimbra, Portugal, “Dose Datamed 2 em Portugal: da ideia à realidade”, P. Teles Nov 9-10 (2012). Invited Talk.
- 25-26/10/2012: III Congresso Nacional de Saúde Pública, Coimbra, Portugal, “Avaliação da Exposição da População Portuguesa a Radiações Ionizantes devido a Exames Médicos de Radiologia de Diagnóstico e Medicina Nuclear”, P. Teles, (2012). Oral Communication.
- 02/09/2012: Workshop on Computational Medical Physics, Nara, Japan, “Prostate brachytherapy dosimetry using voxel phantoms”, S. Barros, P. Teles, S. Cardoso, A. Facure, L. da Rosa, M. Santos, P.P.Pereira Jr., P. Vaz, M. Zankl. Oral Communication.
- 24-26/04/2012: Workshop on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure, Atenas, Grécia, “Frequency and collective dose for the Nuclear Medicine and the TOP 20 X-ray examinations in Portugal”, P. Teles. Oral Communication.
- 26-28/07/2010: Portuguese Physics for Health Summer School, Covilhã, Portugal (aula sobre: "Monte Carlo for health applications”).
- 12-14/11/2009: Congresso Português de Medicina Nuclear, Mealhada, Portugal (oral).
- 29/06–03/07/2009: 14th ICENES 2009, Ericeira, Portugal (poster).
- 27-29/11/2008: LOWRAD 2008, Lisbon, Portugal, (poster).
- 06-10/10/2008: IEMPT 10, Mito, Japan, (poster).
- 25-29/09/2007: Dyproso XXXI, Oporto, Portugal, (poster).
- 03-07/09/2007: 11h European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Bled, Slovenia (poster).
- 03-08/08/2003: 10th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Cambridge, UK, (poster).
- 02-05/09/2002: 6th Conference on Polar Dielectrics, Aveiro, Portugal (poster).
Conference Organization/Work Meetings
- 29/06-03/7/2009: 14th ICENES 2009, Local Organising Committee Ericeira, Portugal.
- 30/09-02/10/2009: EURADOS WG7 MEETING ITN, Lisboa, Portugal.
- 27-28/05/2010: EURADOS WG12 Meeting, ITN, Lisboa , Portugal.
- 15-19/05/2011: 15th ICENES 2009, Local Organising Committee San Francisco, EUA.